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作者: 來源: 日期:2020/4/19 17:12:41 人氣:3887
    The base of the artificial turf basketball court is made of asphalt concrete and cement concrete. The construction of basketball court: it is important to control well the drainage direction and the leveling of the ground without any bumps and bumps. During the construction, 5mx5m grid can be used to control (manually spread asphalt concrete), or the elevation of the formwork can be set up and controlled by the formwork.

       In the construction of artificial turf surface, first of all, the artificial grass with the length of 11~12mm should be selected instead of the artificial grass with the length of more than 30mm. However, the installation of artificial turf needs to be carried out by professionals with special equipment. Incoming supply is the whole volume, artificial grass cutting according to the size of venue, the lawn shop interface, with a special interface zone, and the adhesive glue, interface zone width is 20 ~ 30 cm, which is in the seam has not less than 10 ~ 15 cm on both sides of the interface zone, short grass lawn sewn seams best without mechanical method, convex, prevent the joint point of the distance of 50 cm, after the shop, by manual grinding, crushing 1 ~ 2 times, make joint and contact cement.

       The time that the man-made lawn shop installs and temperature have very big concern, when temperature is too low, the shop is installed, in the summer when severe heat appears bloat phenomenon, construction season, time, air temperature, should choose to undertake operation is best under normal temperature condition.


  • TEL:152-5027-7299
  • TEL:186-6200-0888
  • E-MAIL:nataks@126.com
  • ADD:昆山市周市鎮(zhèn)長江北路290號寶成國際大廈611室
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